Tak kenal maka tak cinta. Jom Kenali Universiti Awam (UA) Malaysia.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Malaysia Students - An Education Blog

Final Update: Read the updated version of About Malaysia Students - An Education Blog

Malaysia Students (MS) is a blog about Malaysian major examinations, education news, student resources, students' thoughts and everything relates to Malaysian students.

This is the list of possible questions you might ask.
  • What is Malaysia Students?
  • Who are the contributors?
  • How Malaysia Students benefits you?
  • How can you contribute to Malaysia Students?

Why Malaysia Students is created since there are already many websites, forums and online tutors available on the web? First of all, it is obvious that only a few of those websites are considered successful Malaysia education websites. Furthermore, most of the online tutoring websites charge an amount of annual membership fees to offer their services.

Why don't we (as Malaysian students) create a free-of-charge website for Malaysian students? After taking into careful consideration, we have finally come out with an idea to create a blog like this since it is free (powered by Blogger) and easy to manage.

The contributors of Malaysia Students are Reign226, BooNBoX, TyplotioN, Carrs L, Melanie, Alphonso Tan and Chong. In addition to that, Plunny is Malaysia Students' former contributor. We will post education news and articles regularly on this blog. Since our main vision is to create an online community, you are most welcomed to be a contributor. To apply to be a contributor, please read Invitation to be a Contributor.

Malaysia Students can benefit you in various ways. First, the education news is up-to-date and the student resources are very useful. In addition, you can search through Malaysia Students for Malaysian major examination tips and news. Malaysia Students can be a free online tutoring site too! What you need to do is submit your questions to us. Then, wait patiently for the answers (in the comment area).

You can contribute to Malaysia Students by visiting this blog regularly, being a regular reader and active commenter, sharing your examination tips and education news (submit a story), reporting any spelling or grammatical error and/or becoming a contributor. We love to read your suggestions and feedback.

If you are new to Malaysia Students blog, please read our Rules and Regulations.
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