Tak kenal maka tak cinta. Jom Kenali Universiti Awam (UA) Malaysia.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Scoring SPM Bahasa Melayu – Kertas 2 (Part 2 of 2)

Posted by Chong

In this post, I am going to guide you in answering SPM Bahasa Melayu Paper 2 (Kertas 2) effectively question by question. Before that, I think most of you will face one common problem — running out of time when answering this paper. Why? This is because you may have spended too much time on summary (rumusan) and/or reading comprehension (pemahaman). To overcome this problem, you should do your summary and write your answers for reading comprehension quickly. Go to the next question if you face difficulty in answering a particular question. Do not waste your time thinking for answer that you know you do not know.

Another thing to take note is that your answer for every question except summary and novel should be written in one paragraph only. For instance, answer for reading comprehension should be written as below:
This is the first sentence of your answer. This is the second sentence of your answer. Please take note that you do not have to leave some space before you write your first sentence. This is the fourth sentence of your answer.
Soalan 1: Rumusan – Firstly, you should analyse the question carefully. Let say the question is
Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian buat satu rumusan tentang kesan-kesan pencemaran air dan langkah mengatasinya. Panjang rumusan hendaklah tidak melebihi 120 patah perkataan.
Source: Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM 2006 Sekolah Berasrama Penuh
Punca Kesan LangkahIt is very clear that the summary you are going to write will have kesan-kesan pencemaran air as the isi tersurat while langkah mengatasinya as the isi tersirat. How to write the introductory paragraph (pendahuluan)? You should read the passage thoroughly and quickly to identify (by underlining) all the isi tersurat while looking for the main idea of the passage. Your introductory paragraph (sentence) should contain the main idea of the passage. In this case, the main idea of the passage is the kesan pencemaran air. However, you cannot use the keyword ‘kesan’ because this keyword has been mentioned in the question. Instead, you should use the alternative word for kesan such as implikasi and akibat. Besides that, your introductory sentence should be more specific to get full marks (2 marks). A good introductory sentence in this case is: Petikan membincangkan implikasi pencemaran air kepada semua jenis hidupan di bumi.

For the second paragraph (isi tersurat), you should summarize the points related to akibat daripada pencemaran air in the passage. Do not add your own point of view in writing the isi tersurat. I suggest you to write about six to seven isi tersurat and two to three isi tersirat as long as your summary does not exceed the number of words permitted.Isi Tersurat dan Tersirat This combination of isi tersurat and isi tersirat works well for most of us because we can easily identify the isi tersurat in the passage. The reason I suggest two points for isi tersirat is that you will not get any mark if the point you have written is not included in the marking schema. You should write the isi tersirat in paragraph three. In writing the isi tersirat, you should write your own point of view not mentioned in the passage. In this example, you should write on usaha mengatasinya. Lastly, for the conclusion (kesimpulan), you should always write it in this format:
Kesimpulannya, [semua pihak/pihak apa] harus/patut/perlu bekerjasama untuk mengatasi [masalah yang dibincangkan] supaya/demi [kesan baik].
For this particular example, the conclusion should be written like this:Kesimpulannya, semua pihak mestilah bekerjasama dalam menangani masalah pencemaran air supaya rakyat Malaysia mendapat bekalan air yang selamat.

Soalan 2: Pemahaman – For questions asking the meaning of certain words (rangkai kata), you must not repeat the words being asked in the question in your answer. For instance, you answer to the question ‘Berikan maksud rangkai kata rakus mengejar keuntungan’ must not contain the words rakus, mengejar and keuntungan. An excellent answer for this question would be ‘Rangkai kata ini bermaksud gelojoh mencari faedah’.

For questions asking for your opinion, you should write your own answer not referring to the passage. For this type of questions, the marks allocated for them indicate the number of points you should write in your answer. One mark indicates that your answer should contain one point; two marks indicate your answer should contain two points; the same goes to three marks for three points. However, four marks usually indicate that your answer should contain only two points with elaboration.

For questions referring to the excerpts of the literature text, you should answer what you have learned in form four and five literature. So, a sound mastery of the entire literature syllabus in form four and five will help you to answer question 2(b), 2(c) and 2(d) correctly and quickly. Most of the time, you can forecast the actual SPM questions by analyzing the literature texts in various states’ trial papers. Most of the time, there will be question like ‘Huraikan dua perwatakan Daneng daripada petikan dan satu perwatakan daripada keseluruhan cerpen’. Some of you might now know that if you can spot more than two perwatakan in the petikan, you can actually write the additional perwatakan for perwatakan daripada keseluruhan cerpen. So, you can actually get all the answers by referring to the text given even though the question asks for perwatakan daripada keseluruhan cerpen. Give one example for each perwatakan in your answer. Daneng seorang yang tetap pendiriannya. Sebagai contoh, dia tidak mahu meninggalkan kampung halamannya.

Soalan 3: Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Bahasa – For bina ayat, you should underline the words given in the questions for the ease of marking by the examiner. For questions 3(c) and 3(d), underline the words which you have changed or corrected in the answers. Question 3 tests your mastery of Malay language, whether you know it or you do not. So, I do not have any great tips to share with you on how to answer this question perfectly.

Soalan 4: Novel – Make sure you have read the original novels before you step into the examination hall. You should have read these novels in your form four and five. In addition to that, you should read and memorize the notes about the literature aspects of the two novels since the question will ask you to make comparison between both of the novels you have read. Give one example to support each point in your answer.

Below, a recap of the main tips of this post:
- Answer the questions quickly or you will run out of time.
- Answers except for summary and novel questions should be written in one paragraph.
Soalan 1: Rumusan – Do not repeat the keywords in the questions.
Soalan 2: Pemahaman – Tips on answering various types of questions.
Soalan 3: Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Bahasa – Underline where necessary.
Soalan 4: Novel – Read and memorize the notes on the literature aspects of the novels you have read in form four and five.

► Read more on Scoring SPM Bahasa Melayu – Kertas 2 (Part 2 of 2)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

SPM and STPM 2006 Examination Tips

Posted by Chong

Final Update: SPM and STPM 2007 examination tips are available now.

Help us help others. If you have any SPM or STPM 2006 examination tips or forecasted questions (tip peperiksaan SPM atau STPM 2006, soalan ramalan atau soalan bocor), please share them with us because we believe you can enjoy the spirit of helping others too!

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Read SPM 2006 Tips and STPM 2006 Tips.

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) Examination

MRSM's (also known as MARA) SPM 2006 trial papers (kertas soalan percubaan SPM) are available to be downloaded on its website. Please note that answer schemes are not provided on its official website. You may want to check with your teachers if you want them. You can also download the SPM trial papers on this post (http://www.malaysia-students.com/2006/10/spm-and-stpm-2006-examination-tips.html).

Trial Papers
MARA's SPM Trial Papers
Malay (Bahasa Melayu) - Kertas 1, Kertas 2
English (Bahasa Inggeris) - Paper 1, Paper 2
Mathematics (Matematik) - Kertas 1, Kertas 2
History (Sejarah) - Kertas 1, Kertas 2
Islamic Education (Pendidikan Islam) - Kertas 1, Kertas 2
Additional Mathematics (Matematik Tambahan) - Kertas 1, Kertas 2
Chemistry (Kimia) - Kertas 1, Kertas 2, Kertas 3 (English version: Paper 1, Paper 3)
Physics (Fizik) - Kertas 1, Kertas 2, Kertas 3 (English version: Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3)
Biology (Biologi) - Kertas 1, Kertas 2, Kertas 3
Account Principle (Prinsip Perakaunan) - Kertas 1, Kertas 2
English for Science and Technology (EST) - Paper 1, Paper 2

Sekolah Berasrama Penuh's SPM Trial Papers
Malay - Paper 1, Answer Schema | Paper 2, Answer Schema
English - Paper 1, Answer Schema | Paper 2
Mathematics - Paper 1, Answer Schema | Paper 2, Answer Schema
History - Paper 1, Paper 2, Answer Schema
Additional Mathematics - Paper 1, Answer Schema | Paper 2, Answer Schema
Chemistry - Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, Answer Schema
Physics - Paper 2, Answer Schema
Biology - Paper 1, Answer Schema | Paper 2, Answer Schema | Paper 3, Answer Schema
English for Science and Technology (EST) - Paper 1, Answer Schema | Paper 2, Answer Schema

Perfect Score 2006 Programme
Add Maths - Paper 1, Answer Schema | Paper 2, Answer Schema
Physics - Question Paper, Answer Schema

SPM Trial Papers' Questions Analysis
SPM Malay - Analysis of trial papers' questions for Paper 1 and Paper 2

SPM Examination Tips from Andrew Choo
Credits: All Andrew Choo's SPM examination tips are copied from Joshua Tee's blog.

SPM Malay Paper 2
2b) Cerpen – Annyss Sophiea / Di sisi rinda
2c) Prosa Klasik – Sabor pertaruhan Hang Tuah dan Hang Jehat
2d) Puisi – sajak keindahan yang hilang atau pantun menyerang nasib
4) Novel – Gaya bahasa / latar

SPM Physics
Paper 2
Section A
1. Alat pengukuran dan ralat
2. Gerakan linear, halaju, pecutan dan pita detik
3. Tranformer dan litar eletrik
4. Termometer
5. Pembiasan, pantulan dalam penuh
6. Daya-daya paduan
7. Get-get logik
8. Prinsip Bernoulli

Section B
9. Inersia
10. Gelombang, interferen dan panjang gelombang

Section C
11. Radioaktif dan isotop dan kegunaan radiaoaktif dalam industri
12. Muatan haba tentu dan haba pendam tentu

Paper 3
Section A
1. Prinsip Archemedes
2. Pemanjangan spring dengan hukum Hooke

Section B
3. Hubungan tekanan cecair dengan kedalaman yang berlainan
4. Hubungan jarak objek dengan jarak imej kanta cembung

SPM Chemistry
Paper 2
Section A
1. Tindak balas penyesaran
2. Jadual berkala dengan no atom dan isotop / susunan elektron
3. Hidrokarbon alkena dan alkana
4. Proses Sentuh
5. Tindakbalas kalsium karbonat dengan asid
6. Lemak dan minyak

Section B
1. Proses Haber atau penyulingan Petroleum
2. Penghasilan getah

Section C
1. Mencari formula empirik
2. Proses elektrolisis

Paper 3
1. Takat lebur dan takat didih
2. Sel kimia
3. Eksperimen kereaktifan logam terhadap oksigen

SPM Biology
Paper 2
Section A
1. Struktur dan fungsi sel haiwan
2. Kepekatan larutan
3. Enzim
4. Koordinasi saraf dan kimia
5. Meosis

Section B
1. Respirasi sel
2. Sistem peredaran manusia dan haiwan dan pertahanan badan

Section C
3. Nutrisi tumbuhan
4. Hukum Mendel

Paper 3
1. Variasi
2. Peranan mikroorganisma

SPM Science
Paper 1
1. Tiada
2. Jenis-jenis bahan , aloi, keadaan jirim
3. Otak, kelenjar endokrin, penyalahgunaan dadah
4. Pembahagian sel meosis mitosis, variasi
5. Keradioaktifan dan jenis-jenis sinaran
6. Sel ringkas, fotosintesisi
7. Mata, kamera, pergerakan atau penyebaran cahaya, penambahan dan penolakan warna
8. Aloi, ammonia
9. Jenis-jenis mikroornagisma, pengimunan
10. Perbezaan hidrokarbon tepu dan tak tepu, getah petrokeum
11. Kelas makanan, nialai kalori makanan dan masalah kesihatan
12. Prinsip Archinedes dan Bernouli, satelit dan enjin
13. Rantai makanan, langkah mengawal pencemaran
14. Cara memproses makanan, kitar nitrogen, akta makanan
15. Jenis-jenis plastik
16. Pemancar radio dan satelit

Paper 2
Section A
1. Jadual berkala serta isotop
2. Fungsi neuron dan tindakan refleks
3. Variasi, anak kembar dan penyakit baka dan penentuan seks anak
4. Penapis warna dan penambahan warna

Section B
5. Tindakbalas peneutralan
6. pempolimeran dan pendepolimeran
7. Keadaan yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan mikroorganisma dan penyakit serta keimunan
8. Pengekstrakan logam dan tindakbalas berkaitan dengan cahaya
9. Momentum dan inersia

Section C
10. Elektrolisis dan kegunaanya
11. Kanta, mata dan alatan optik
12. Tekanan hidrolik / masalah pencemaran

More SPM Examination Tips
Credit: jingyi's blog
SPM Sejarah
Kertas 2
1. Mesir purba / mesopotamia
2. Hindu-buddha
3. Zaman jahiliah / keperibadian nabi muhammad
4. Penentangan kaum quraisy-makkah
5. Teori kedatangan islam
6. Hukum adat tanah melayu / pendidikan awal
7. Zaman gelap / revolusi
8. Nasionalisme
9. Kaum muda
10. Malayan union
11. Pakatan murni
12. Pembentukan malaysia
13. Perlembagaan malaysia
14. Bahasa melayu
15. Rancangan malaysia
16. Perang dunia pertama
17. Pertubuhan antarabangsa

Forum Posts
ReCom.org and Chinese Cari

Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) Examination

STPM Timetable
Plan your revision by referring to the timetable.

STPM Trial Papers
A lot of the trial papers are available on this webpage.

Forum Post

This post will be updated frequently to include the all the online SPM and STPM 2006 tips found on the Internet.

Last updated on 31 October 2006. Broken links removed.

► Read more on SPM and STPM 2006 Examination Tips

Monday, October 16, 2006

Scoring SPM Bahasa Melayu - Karangan (Part 1 of 2)

Posted by Chong

A reader asked how to score an A in SPM Bahasa Melayu at Malaysia Students Forum. Since I was able to score a 1A in my SPM Bahasa Melayu, I have the responsibility to help other SPM candidates to get an A in this subject too. ;-) For your information, you have to pass SPM Bahasa Melayu to be eligible to continue your studies in form six or local university. Those who don’t pass Bahasa Melayu will sit for SPM July Paper (SPM Kertas Julai) the year after they have had their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination.

Firstly, I would like to share the effective tips to score well in Paper 1 (Kertas 1) with you. For section A (bahagian A), you will have to write an essay within 200 to 250 words based on the material (bahan rangsangan) given. You should ensure that the length of your essay is within the suggested length and should not exceed it though I learned from my teacher that candidate can actually write to the maximum of 255 words.
Lihat gambar di bawah dengan teliti. Huraikan pendapat anda tentang usaha-usaha yang perlu dilakukan untuk menangani gejala vandalisme. Panjang huraian anda hendaklah antara 200 hingga 250 patah perkataan.
Source: SPM Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1 (1103/1) November 2005 Bahagian A
One of the questions often asked by the candidates is should candidate write the whole essay on the material given or on the topic given. For instance, in SPM Bahasa Melayu 2005 paper 1, the question for section A is just four pictures showing public property being damaged as the result of vandalism and graffiti. There is a title in bold type read: ‘GEJALA VANDALISME (Vandalism)’. Some candidates worry that they might lose the content marks if they do not write mainly about the material (images).

Actually, candidates do not have to write about the pictures (the wanton damage of public property); instead they should write an essay on the topic Vandalism. They should write about the causes (faktor/punca), effects (kesan) and/or actions (langkah mengatasinya) taken to overcome problem depending on the question. So, for SPM 2005 (referring to the question), candidate should write on the actions (usaha) to be taken to overcome vandalism. However, to play safe, candidate can include a sentence or two describing the pictures given. (Sebagai contoh, telefon awam dirosakkan dan dinding bangunan diconteng dengan bahasa kesat.)

For SPM Bahasa Melayu 2004 paper 1, the question for section A is similar to SPM 2005 in the way the question being asked, in which show four pictures of various pollution as the result of development with the title ‘PEMBANGUNAN DAN ALAM SEKITAR (The Development and the Environment)’ at the centre of the pictures. So, student should not write the whole essay about the pictures. Instead, student should write the essay focussing on the topic the Development and the Environment.

Since section A of paper 1 tests mainly on the Malay language and not the content, your essay should be grammatically correct (ayat gramatis) besides showing wide vocabulary (kosa kata luas) and interesting phrases (fasa menarik). These tips work well for section B (bahagian B) too!
Pilih satu daripada soalan di bawah dan tulis sebuah karangan yang panjangnya lebih daripada 350 patah perkataan.
Source: SPM Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1 (1103/1) November 2005 Bahagian B
In section B, you have to choose one out of five questions provided and write a continuous essay (esei) more than 350 words. Please note that if you prefer writing formatted essay (karangan berformat), you have to write it in correct format to avoid mark deduction. Here is a secret to score well in this section: write a lengthy essay! Why lengthy essay? This is because a piece of lengthy writing gives the examiner an illusion impression that you can write very well.

Personally, I usually wrote my SPM Malay continuous writing more than 700 words (about three pages depending on your handwriting). Of course, your essay should not have too many errors including but not limited to grammar, spelling and word choice errors. If however you tend to make a lot of mistakes in your writing, I would advise you to write an essay about 500 words. (more than two pages depending on your handwriting). The trick is to write your words in big text size and ensure that there are not more than ten words in each line. In addition, use some relevant idioms in your writing. Some of the common Malay idioms which you should have mastered include but not limited to bulat air kerana pembetung, bulat manusia kerana muafakat; melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya; biar mati anak, jangan mati adat and berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing.

Some questions in section B are open questions which mean that you can write about the causes (faktor/punca), effects (kesan) and/or actions (langkah mengatasinya) taken to overcome a particular problem. For instance in SPM 2005, some questions have the keywords ‘ulas pernyataan di atas’ and ‘berikan komen anda tentang pernyataan tersebut’. Meanwhile, some other questions have limited the scope of your essay. You can easily identify this type of questions by looking for the keywords like ‘berikan pendapat anda tentang peranan keluarga dalam pembentukan sahsiah anak-anak’ and ‘tulis rencana tentang usaha-usaha yang perlu dilakukan oleh pihak berkenaan bagi meningkatkan mutu sukan negara’.

For your information, the fifth question is always a literature-type question (soalan berbentuk sastera). Most of the time, the question will ask the candidates to write a short stories (cerpen) based on a theme or idiom (peribahasa) given. Choose this type of question only if you have a sound mastery of Malay language. Generally, art stream students prefer this type of question more than science stream students.

To increase the use of textbook in classroom, our government via Malaysian Examination Council (Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia) has decided to limit the scope of some SPM essay questions to the SPM syllabus since 2004. Hence you can actually spot the essay questions by excluding the past years’ topics. Besides that, you can analyse the trial papers’ (kertas soalan percubaan) essay questions. Here I show you a real instance where the trial question was similar to the real SPM question. Last year, the fifth essay question (tulis cerpen berdasarkan peribahasa ‘bulat air kerana pembetung, bulat manusia kerana muafakat’) in the real SPM examination was identical with Terengganu second BM trial paper’s fifth question. Was it a question leak (soalan bocor) or just a coincidence? There are a lot more real cases in other subjects too!

Below, a recap of the main tips of this post:
Essays should be grammatically correct (ayat gramatis) besides showing wide vocabulary (kosa kata luas) and interesting phrases (fasa menarik).
Section A
  • Ensure that the length of your essay is within the suggested length.
  • Do not write about the pictures. Instead, write an essay on the topic given.

Section B
  • Write lengthy essay about 700 words.
  • Use some relevant idioms in your writing.
  • Analyse the topics covered in your form four and five textbooks, past years’ questions and trial papers.

I will post the second part: SPM Bahasa Melayu – Pemahaman some time this week because I am now busily preparing myself for my year-end examination. You are nevertheless welcome to add your own tips or ask a related question by commenting on this post.

► Read more on Scoring SPM Bahasa Melayu - Karangan (Part 1 of 2)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

KUOK Foundation Undergraduate Awards Part II

Posted by BooNBoX

Yeah, this is the second part (read KUOK Foundation Undergraduate Awards Part I) and it will be about my experience since I stepped out from STPM. After my STPM examination, I was having fun all the time. Yeah, fun as in I enjoyed the life while working part-time and doing research for my future. I know it was kind of late to do research that time but at least I did it. And it was a long story before I ended up with KUOK’s financial assistance to enable my studies in Singapore.

I applied a lot of scholarship applications, and looking through almost every possibilities that I can further with my STPM certificate that I would get later in March 2006. To make dreams wonderful, I even stepped out from my box to look beyond to overseas studies though it was not possible in the sense of financial status. I remember I had no intention to study in Singapore before that. I just wanted to apply to every university that was possible as one option for my future path. So I sent my application to Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and National University of Singapore (NUS) in Singapore. I will describe more on the Singapore studies in my next post concentrating on these topics.

Then it was the “gan zheong” time (nervous as in cantonese) when the results released. After celebration (for other people… lol) life returned back to normal and I continued with my research on scholarships and etc. Then it was my aunt that passed me the advertisement from the newspaper (SIN CHEW JIT POH if not mistaken and I believe KUOK Foundation will publish in English and Chinese major newspaper) and it was KUOK Foundation. So I sent my results slip to request for the application form. At this stage they will filter the applications as you need to achieve some expectation before you can even get the form!!

I got the application form a few days later and I started to fill in the details. The closing date will be very soon as it would be 2-4 weeks after the release of STPM results. At that moment I still skeptical of filling in my first choice of university but somehow I ended with NTU but I did attach another list of courses of NUS and local IPTA that I had registered, just as a back-up. After getting all those documents done I sent it back and pray.

So while waiting for the annoucement of the second round, I had my SAT II and tried to involve in some activities to stronger my portfolio. One more thing, KUOK is very strict in the process as they would call any family members or the referees you’ve provided to confirm thedata you’ve filled in the application form. My mother even scolded me because she was so afraid that anything she answered would affect the outcome. It was around early of June that I received a letter from KUOK asking me to attend for the interview. I was so touched! Why? It has been a long story. Since my ‘perfect’ results in my SPM, I was heart-broken after being turned down by EVERY scholarship application (JPA, Petronas etc..) and I did not even get the chance for interview. Somehow KUOK asked me for this interview and I really appreciated that. I knew I need to do the best to earn this. This was the first chance I got and maybe the only and so I would not give up so easily. Honestly I was a little bit relieved because I believed what I did during this long holiday would somehow made my application appearred stronger to the interviewers.

The interview was held at Kuala Lumpur city centre’s golden traingle area, near Bukit Bintang to be exactly. When I reached Wisma Jerneh at almost 1050H, my father said that he would like to accompany me into the office. Aha! Couldn’t deny that it would certainly add some pressure to me. My heart was pumping in acceleration. After showing my ID and original certificates. I sat down with my father and wait for the call. There were only two older man sitting there and I believed that they were accompanying other candidate. While waiting for the interview, I was so afraid as this was my first interview. I was so fresh in this kind of function. I did not know what they would ask. Whatever… You wouldn’t want to put your feet into my shoes at that moment. I knew it was useless to sweat and I still managed to get the names of the interviewers from the receptionist. She smiled at me as to comfort me (or really smiling caused I was so freaked out). Then it was then the moment I heard my name being called.

“DO NOT PANIC! DO NOT PANIC!!” I kept on repeating to myself. I saw an old gentleman and a lovely lady and I greeted them with the names I got before. This is the game of impressing. It depends on how much you could impress them. I tried to figure which style to answer to their questions. Serious? Or with some humor? I realised that I did not have the time hence I just stick being myself. I forgot what have they asked my for the first few questions but I remembered that I was freaked out that I stucked in the mid way. The interviewers were very nice as they realised my nerves and so asked me to relax. I explained that this was my first interview and taking opportunity to thank them and KUOK for giving a chance. So I apologized, took a deep breathe, adjusted my seat, cleared my throat and asked permission to speak again. It was smooth afterwards.

The whole interview, they asked more on WHY YOU CHOOSE THIS COURSE? WHAT IS YOUR FUTURE PROSPECT AFTER PURSUING IN THIS COURSE? WHAT IS THE FIELD OF THE COURSE ABOUT? They would ask about your family financial status. WHY PURSUING IN SINGAPORE? WHAT WOULD YOU DO SINCE THE MONEY FROM KUOK IS NOT ENOUGH TO COVER EVERYTHING?? etc… I almost forgot all the scientific terms but I still managed to threw some simple examples to show impression. I even grabbed the chance to show them what had I done during the holiday to update myself. Talking about my experience working in legal firm, being an internet DJ and showed my article that got published in The Star as a young journalist member in The Star family.

After around 30 minutes, it was all over. I knew I had done a good job though it could be better. However I was so happy when the interviewers asked the clerk to photostat my published article as their reference. Then it was another wait for 1 month plus… when I decided to come to NTU for my bachelor. Studying in Singapore is not that difficult. I brought SGD1,600 as my starting fees and others were all loan. The second day during my orientation camp I received an sms from my family that I got the half-grant half-loan award I was so happy that I jumped around in the crowd. Getting KUOK’s fund means lessen your burden as you won’t need to take large loan to study in Singapore.

After all the legal stuff and finally I received the first instalment. I am glad and grateful that I got this award. (my mom too! She was so worried that I would die of hunger in Singapore if KUOK has not approved the fund) .

► Read more on KUOK Foundation Undergraduate Awards Part II

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